Whether you’re moving into your very first apartment or have finally found your forever home, you’re going to need reliable, dependable, affordable trash service. Here’s what you need to know about choosing a trash collection service and setting up an account:
Pay Attention to What Trash Collection Service Other Homes in the Neighborhood Use
Most trash services in New Canaan, CT and surrounding communities have their customers use rolling containers with the service’s name and number printed on them. This will help you know what trash companies are servicing your area. You’ve also got the opportunity to notice how well these companies do their job. When trash isn’t picked up regularly, it shows – and not in a good way.
Ask Local Area Residents & Business Owners for Recommendations
Everyone needs trash collection services. If your new neighbors are friendly, ask them who they use for trash removal services. Coworkers and local business owners can also have good recommendations based on their interactions with local trash removal services.
Choose a Trash Collection Service That’s a Legitimate Business
While there are plenty of fly-by-night person-with-a-pickup-truck trash collection services out there, it’s a good best practice to do business with a trash collection service that’s a legitimate, licensed business. Do your research. Does the trash collection service has a website? Is the business known in the community? When you call to set up an account, does the person answering the phone seem professional? In this day and age, it’s a good idea to be selective about the people you have on or near your property.
Setting Up An Account
When you find a highly recommended New Canaan CT trash collection service, call to set up an account. You’ll need your address information, as well as how many rolling containers you will need for your trash. The typical rolling container holds 5-8 full sized trash bags. You’ll also want to discuss your recycling service needs. Most people have weekly trash pickups but if you need more frequent trash removal that can certainly be arranged.